Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So proud!

Today on my lunch hour, I went into a bookstore and I purchased...nothing. Nada. Not one single, solitary book. I walked in, I looked around, I picked up books, I read descriptions, I perused the remainder table and then I walked away.

I. Am. So. Proud.

That's not to say I wasn't tempted. I contemplated a few books today:

Night by Elie Wiesel

The Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko

Invisible Prey by John Sanford

Our Gods Wear Spandex: Secret History of Comic Book Superheroes by Christopher Knowles (this was actually considered for my beau, not myself, but I would totally steal it from him and read it cover to cover)

I also discovered this book and what is one of my favourite covers in recent history. I would buy this book for the cover. Seriously. I have done that before. The fact that I am also interested in reading the book doesn't hurt either.

I purchased this book based primarily on its cover, but it's a Roald Dahl book, so was there really any worry about quality? It should also be noted that I HATE snakes. But Roald Dahl is worth it. That said, everyone should go buy this book now. NOW. Don't be strong like me. Cave to the pressure of the written word!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!

1 comment:

Cat London said...

I also bought Skin on the basis of its cover. I already owned all of the stories in the form of The Collected Works of Roald Dahl. But even though I tried not to buy Skin, somehow it just happened.